Friday, August 11, 2006

today we were invited out for breakfast, which was a real treat. we each had two meat samosas, a rice cake and a mandaze. just a light snack! once we'd managed to polish that lot off, we headed to the local primary school.

following a tour of the new building works, including the toilets with their 6 foot pits(!), we were introduced to the children. there were about 70 children in the class, and we had been asked to do craft activities with about 40 of them. we made finger puppets out of card and although the children were all quite shy to start with, by the end there was no stopping them! many puppets had more glitter than card visible! we had a really good system going with john, jack, trevor and julie cutting out card, and mandy and jenny in charge of glitter and sticking!
john played his violin which fascinated the kids, and we all sang 'i will click, click, click', and zoomed all around the room with the kids.

tomorrow we get to do traditional cooking and brick making and will try and report back.

much love
all of us xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Julie Whitfield


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