Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hot water!! Can it get any better??

I have to admit that the words HOT WATER & SHOWER haven't actually featured much in the past week ,but since we moved to Dodoma, we've had the exciting experience of a hot shower! Well. I was very excited and let's face it, I'm easily pleased!

We are staying in the Bishop's house, with a guard to look after us at night and a guard dog who would just lick you to pieces! The journey from Mvumi to Dodoma, via Matambulu was far more bumpy than I remember and all 8 of us squashed into one vehicle with all our luggage was a bit uncomfortable! Matambulu is a Theological college, not far from Mvumi, but unlike Msalato, it trains those who have no English to be pastors and priests. The fees are cheaper, and I think it is easily the lovliest place we have visited. They have less than half the students they had last year, because the harvests have been so poor, students cannot afford to take the second year of their course. they may have to wait several years before that happens depending on when the next reasonable harvest is.

Today,  we have been to Mackay house, which is the Diocesan Head Office, and we've had a very thorough introduction to each department and what they are responsible for !! We've bumped into several people we met on our previous trip, and Margaret, Fredrick and Grace send their regards. Grace was married just two months ago!

Everyone is well (ish!) Mandy has recovered from her Ugali eating experience! John tried to sell her for the price of 6 cows this morning - not to worry, nobody will be able to afford the price! Jenny is missing Big Brother & we haven't had any recent updates! Trevor is always off exploring with John and Jack is doing well! Mollie is loving every minute and I would quite happily stay here! (until i got fed up of having no hair products and it rains!)

Please pray that we will all stay well - we've had a few tummy upsets but nothing serious.

Much love to everyone.....





Blogger Liz said...

Ok Julie - BB update:
It's the final week & Pete's favourite to win. He and Nikki are becoming almost unbearable, although it was sweet to begin with! According to the BBC News website, Aisleyne's 2nd fave and Glyn's 3rd. Does that help??

Glad to hear you're doing well. I'm not surprised you're pleased with having a hot shower!
Take care,
Liz xxx

Thu Aug 17, 11:59:00 am GMT+3  

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